The winery
Mater Soli
Mater Soli is engaged to develop the winegrowing of the territory of Trapani with the aim to let each territory gives a characteristic imprint to the wines that derive from it.
The wine grapes are selected from different vineyards between 45 hectares in different estates in western Sicily, particularly suited to the cultivation of vines: Alcamo, Castellammare del Golfo, Salemi, Segesta e Trapani. The diversity of the areas where our vines grow is the strong point that characterizes the quality of the product grown at different altitudes ranging from 160 to 600 m above sea level, contributing to create a beneficial and differentiated microclimate.
Mater Soli
A family tradition that has reached the third generation
The promise and love for their land pushes them to enhance their wines defending taste and traditions.
Maurizio Ferrara,
the agronomist from Alcamo. He runs the family winery paiying attention to the tradition trasmitted by his father along with an innovative current aimed to achieving current market demands in the field of environmental sustainability
Piero Colomba,
enologo di Castellammare del Golfo, ha un’esperienza decennale nella produzione del vino. Affronta ogni vendemmia con la sfida di ottenere un prodotto in linea con le caratteristiche di tipicità di ogni varietà e di ogni territorio.
In the name of territorial development

Making wine is pure protection of the Sicilian essence. The love for the land of origin, the desire to defend one's own tradition and dedication in carrying out one's work are the key points of the company.
The important goal we set ourselves is to achieve ever higher levels of environmental sustainability. Being a sustainable company today means guaranteeing quality through technological innovation in the various stages of production, allowing the consumer to have an authentic sensory experience.
Between Alcamo, Castellammare del Golfo, Salemi, Segesta e trapani
The territory
Sicily is often compared to a continent rather than an island for its wide variety of different soil and climatic conditions of the territories.
Production of wine-growing around Trapani lands let us to have different ages of oenological grapes reason why we get a different characterization between the different products we make.
Vineyards located in between Alcamo and Castellammare del Golfo hills are characterised by fertile medium consistency soils where the nearby sea definitively has a strong influence on the grapes. Alcamo area, indeed, is the perfect location for the wine-growing ,suggested moreover by its own etymology that links its current name to the Arabian word “al-qamah”, that precisely means “fertile land”.
Moving further inland between Segesta,Vita e Salemi where cultivation achieves 400m and 600 m above sea level,
there are cool territories, enough resilient and young where is easily possible find skeleton (stones).
Underlying valley of Erice, in Trapani area, we can find territories that are tending to become loamy. These territories located in a windy and warm area are characterised time after time from a enjoyed ahead of the grape and here also, during summer time with irrigation rescues, is possible get phenolic maturation for an high quality level of the red grape. Soil and climate elements good for the grape growing and for a good management of the cultivation methods are pre-requisite to reach amazing target of production.